Technology Update

After a week worth's of server problems with Bloglet, I've pulled the plug. I found an alternative, called FeedBlitz, that will send subscribers an email with a brief excerpt of my post from the previous day. It will undoubtedly need tweaking and will look different from the format sent by Bloglet, but I'm told that current subscribers do not need to re-subscribe. If by some chance the Bloglet server comes back up this evening, you may get two emails, but once FeedBlitz has succeeded in sending its first email, I'll shut down the other account.

Please let me know via the contact section on this page if you were getting bloglets, and are NOT getting emails from FeedBlitz, and I'll try to fix it. The good news is that someone from the company responded to my email the same day I sent it, which is a big improvement over the service I was getting.

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