Ready for USTA 18s Spring Nationals

Ready for USTA Spring Nationals ~~~
©Colette Lewis 2006

We spent the afternoon at the Mobile Tennis Center getting the 128 boys checked in, while the other side of the tent handled the 128 girls. The weather was warm, overcast and breezy, and although the skies appeared to darken as the 6:00 p.m. player meeting approached, it thankfully remained dry. Although the complex is huge, with 50 lighted courts, there is no sheltered area that could handle the hundreds of parents, coaches and players who were onsite for the Fazoli's dinner and the player meeting that followed.

Bill Ozaki, director of the USTA Junior and Collegiate Competition, spoke briefly as did referee Pierre Hjartberg and sports psychologist Jack Singer.

With Attila Bucko and defending champion Clint Bowles withdrawing, the number one seed on the boys side is Reid Carleton, with Davey Sandgren seeded second. The top seed for the girls is USTA Winter National champion Kristy McVitty, with Reka Zsilinszka, last year's Spring finalist, the second seed.

Complete draws and match times are available at

Sunday's action begins at 8:00 a.m., with round one of both singles and doubles. The downside of so many courts is that a spectator can't possibly keep up with all the simultaneous activity. But I'll have fun trying.

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