SMASH Column, Las Vegas, Harlingen edition

SMASH Column, Las Vegas, Harlingen edition ~~~
Tomorrow is a travel day, as we head for Mobile, so next week's SMASH column will truly be On The Road, not some virtual version. If there's no post tomorrow, chalk it up to the unpredictable spring weather that can throw already shaky airline schedules into chaos.

But when you visit SMASH check out the FEATURES section on the left. The second edition of the magazine is out now, and my friend Allen St. John has two terrific stories in it, both of which are available in their entirety online. One is a profile of Andrew Murray, the other is a look at the new crop of young pros making their mark.

Those who read the Wall Street Journal might recognize Allen as the weekly sports columnist in the Friday edition, but he's got other interests. He has a new book out entitled Clapton's Guitar about Wayne Henderson, one of the world's best guitar makers. It's a fascinating look at the world of vintage guitars and a man who both repairs those and builds prized heirlooms. I thoroughly enjoyed it. For more information about the book use this link.

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