For the most part, I wasn't too excited about this roll. I started it off in January when my family and friends were here for vacation. I had already taken a few other rolls over the duration of the break and was keen on finishing another one before everyone packed their bags and resumed life outside of paradise. I took about 4 shots before they left, I think. Then it sunk in that hardly anything satisfied me enough to take a photograph of it. I'd tote around my camera without any real inspiration. Then one day, on the way back from a lovely over-night out of town I missed a crucial photo opportunity when I saw a ridiculous car crash on the highway. It was epic, and I missed it because I was clearly too inattentive to realize why there was traffic in the first place.
Another point happened when I was carrying my camera around today and silly door was open and near destroyed the film. I was rather upset at the time, feeling that I trashed all the effort of bringing the camera around, wasting time taking pictures to have what happen, the camera flap be gaping open? It might have been a sign.... I was hoping not. All I could think about in that moment was 1) F____ 2) I took photos of Eddie before he left! 3) F___ing expensive film.
I put my camera, Monkeyfood, in a little plastic bag and took him for a skate around the village with Dyson, who I've always believed has a photogenic charm. So, I was trying to muster any remaining hope that the rest of the film wasn't completely f___ed.
Turns out that it wasn't and the film turned out amazing for the most part. I love my friends.