Beyonce and Esther Baxter

BeyonceEsther BaxterBeyonce and Esther Baxter... I ask my friend and his honest truth if he c Beyonce Knowles walking and then he c a Dark skin celebrity lets say Esther Baxter who would he choose?

My friend said... "I used to be very attracted to Beyonce, but ever since Beyonce's been a self proclaimed diva and legend in Beyonce own mind, I get annoyed just hearing Beyonce's songs on the radio. The second ch*ick is hot, I've seen Esther Baxter before, I dunno if those bo*obs are real... if they are then Esther Baxter's a bombshell, if not then she loses points. Anyway, I'd choose her over "B." "

Then My friend added... "Beyonce is sort of fa*ked comparing to the rest of the women, they enhance Esther Baxter's body with photoshop, stunts, butt pads, make-up in which everybody wears, but lets just say true fact Esther Baxter spent 8 hrs on make-up, and no way you can spend that much, but the ch*ick here is Esther Baxter she is video honey."

OOOps... Just for Fun... Don't blame me... That it's just my friend opinion... :)

Off Course for me Beyonce is still the Best... :)

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