Seeds, Draw for Kalamazoo Announced; Young No. 1 in 18s; Boyajian No. 1 in 16s

The Sunday before the tournament here in Kalamazoo starts is always "Draw Day." Before the computer era, I understand it was a long, complicated process, requiring many hours and reinforcements of pizza. We've retained the pizza part of it, but the computer is now doing all the work.

The seeds are listed here.
The draws are here.

A few of the first round matches I'll be hoping to see Friday in the 18s are Viju George vs. Jared Pinsky, Sean Corrigan vs. Chris Madden and Chris Kearney vs. Will Guzick.

The next couple of days are going to be extremely busy for me, so I'll be doing only brief posts, but I will try to get something up every day.

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