Bricker Scolds Damico

With no Americans in the second week, the attention of the U.S. media has been directed to the juniors, and in this article the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel's Charlie Bricker takes some shots at Kellen Damico's behavior.

Those who read my account of Damico's Easter Bowl match with Steve Forman aren't surprised by what's contained in this story. Most of the comments I received on that story addressed his history of outbursts and the USTA's failure to do anything about it. I sincerely hope the anger management/mental toughness expert he's said to be working with produces a change.

With Donald Young losing today in the third round to Robin Roshardt of Switzerland, who also defeated Young at last year's Orange Bowl, Damico and Nate Schnugg were one of the few bright spots for the U.S. The Australian Open Junior finalists (unseeded of course, as the ITF doesn't look at past doubles results) defeated the top seeded team of Thiemo de Bakker and Alexandre Siderenko 7-5 in the third in the opening round of doubles. Julia Cohen and Kim Couts also won their first round match. Jamie Hunt, who is playing with Roberto Maytin of Venezuela also was a first round doubles winner. Dennis Lajola, who is playing with Kenyan Christian Vitulli, is through to the quarterfinals.

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