Ups and Downs Down Under

Up and Downs Down Under~~~
©Colette Lewis 2006

There were definitely highs and lows during my first trip to Australia. Here, in no particular order, are some of them.

The lows:

  • Dropping my camera in the toilet on the second day of the tournament
  • No U.S. boys or girls to watch in singles in the quarterfinals and beyond
  • A 90 minute queue to get through customs to enter Australia after 30 hours of travel
  • Missing the last tram (midnight) from Melbourne Park by a couple of minutes & having to find a way back to the hotel
  • The prevalence of instant coffee
  • The sausages—which smelled a lot better than they tasted
  • Temperatures that went from 109 to 69 in the space of 24 hours
  • Indoor tennis—whether from heat or rain, it just didn’t seem like tennis to me

  • The highs:

  • Australians—they couldn’t be more welcoming, hospitable or friendly
  • Spending a beautiful summer day on an Australian beach
  • Lift—a carbonated lemonade
  • Clean, frequent, air-conditioned trams
  • Watching Baghdatis vs. Nalbandian live
  • My husband watching Roddick vs. Baghdatis from Andy’s player box thanks to John Roddick’s generosity
  • Learning from Pat McEnroe who would be on the Davis Cup team four days before it was announced publicly
  • Hearing Craig Tiley’s plans for Australian tennis development
  • The free fresh-squeezed juice if you had an American Express card
  • The free beer and wine every afternoon if you had media credentials
  • Dinner with James Blake and Xavier Malisse (well, they were in the same restaurant as we were)
  • Breakfast with Rod Laver, Fred Stolle, Stan Smith and Jim Courier (well, they were on the same plane to LA as we were)
  • Getting to know more junior tennis players and their games
  • Spending a total of five minutes getting through customs in LA

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