I hope all zootennis.com readers also visit Peter Bodo's Tennisworld blog regularly, and not just because he's been my biggest high-profile supporter. Peter's funny, honest, self-assured, provocative and knowledgable. And if he can't get an answer, it's probably not worth knowing. (I guess you could call this post my valentine to Peter Bodo.)
In a conversation we had in Australia, he was intrigued by my offhand mention of junior Kim Couts being at the junior Open on her own, and he dug out this story, at once typical and unique. (And probably wrote the clever headline too). One of Peter's favorite lines is "money quote" and here is this story's:
This is what it takes to be in the hunt in junior tennis these days. You have to figure that this was a calculated risk on the Couts' part, because a lot of the top juniors from the U.S. and Europe pass on Australia because of the time and cost of getting there. That translates to an opportunity for players like Kim, who can improve their rankings and reputations by undertaking the trip. But, of course, it's risky.
Say what you will about spoiled brats, silver spoons, or how tennis is a “sissy” sport. The reality is that for most youngsters, it takes an enormous amount of sacrifice to make it to the pros, and at least one of the things they give up they will never, ever be able to get back, no matter what: a typical childhood.
Whether that experience is overrated or not is up to you to decide.