THE GREAT INDOORS -- Corkery and Pade double up, Bruch to play singles in elite field :: The Stanford Daily

THE GREAT INDOORS -- Corkery and Pade double up, Bruch to play singles in elite field :: The Stanford Daily~~~

I'm heading for Columbus Thursday, to my first college tennis event since the NCAAs in May. With only 32 players in the singles fields, the ITA Indoor features some great matchups in the first round and Casey Angle, the ITA's media guru, has already whetted my appetite with his distribution of the draws and schedule. Last year, attending my first ever college event when the Indoor was held in Ann Arbor, I began to appreciate just how tough and unpredictable the sport can be when unseeded Ryler DeHeart of Illinois and third seed Megan Bradley of Miami took home the titles. DeHeart is back to defend his crown and is the top seed this year, while Bradley has graduated and is currently playing in Futures and Challengers.

This story on the Stanford contingent is a good introduction to the event, and I'm hoping to arrive in time to see Cardinal freshman Matt Bruch's (yes, the reporter spelled his name right!) match. He had a great run at Tulsa last month and already is seeded eighth in one of the "majors." Pretty impressive start.

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