Taking a well earned rest after sadness of defeat

Good morning everyone and first of all thanks for all your support these past weeks.
I am already in Mallorca, back home. Now will be taking some time off, some holidays since I have practically been playing since the Davis Cup tie against Belgium, and that was back at the end of February!
I will be 2 weeks completely off, with my friends, enjoying the summer here in Mallorca.
I am obviously sad for Sunday's result but that's life. Sometimes you win and in tennis most of the times you lose. Novak was a better player that day and he is the winner.
Once again thanks, you can follow me on my Facebook page here.
Ask Rafa: Liam Broady could be a future star

Why do you let your opponents serve first at the beginning of a match ? Don't you think it's really risky and it will be more secure to serve first ? Emmanuelle
I always did it like that since I start with a very high intensity of my game and if I break I have a big advantage. If not, things are the same and I have to win my serve on the 2nd game.
Has there been any occasion when you tried playing as a righty? Jacklyn
No, never. I don't think I could even beat my uncle Toni!
How will you motivate yourself after the disappointment of losing today? Angie
Kind if easy this one: Holidays in Mallorca with my friends!
Was your injury to blame or was Novak Djokovic just too good? Denise
Novak was just too good for me on Sunday. I have to keep working and improve things.
Djokovic seemed to target your backhand - was that crucial in him defeating you? Alex
I don't think it is only a backhand or playing to my backhand. I think at the important moments he played better than me, forehand, backhand or service.
You seemed very upset at losing today. Has it made you more determined to win back your title next year? David
One thing is for sure, I'll try my best to be back!
What did you think of Liam Broady when he practiced with you. Could he be as good as Andy Murray in the future? Sam
IT is difficult he say but he definitely has the tools!
Ask Rafa: a British player is helping me prepare for the final

Hi everyone,
I had a quite day at Wimbledon on Saturday. Practiced with the British junior I have been practicing with almost all week this week. I want to thank him (Evan Hoyt) for these days (today he is also warming me up before the match) and his coach for helping me.
I had some time with my team and my family and didn't do much. Stayed at the house focusing on today's match. Some talks with my team, with my family, some funny discussions about things that happened these past weeks.
I won't be able to write the final post after the match but I promise that Monday morning you will have the final recap. Thanks all for your support this weeks! It's been great no matter what happens today!
Congratulations for the win against Murray. Care to share with us your routine on the eve of finals? Do you do anything to de-stress? Jacklyn
Many thanks. I am doing the normal things I would do a day before a match. Had some dinner with my family and team here at Wimbledon. THen had some physio treatment as every night and now going to bed. It is half past midnight as I write this.
Looking at your game against Murray, which aspect of it you are least satisfied and need to improve when you play in the final? Sharon Lam
I think I played very well all the match. Andy played better than me the first set but I didn't play bad. He was simply better.
At the Champions ball do the two winners still have to have the first dance together? Judith Forde
Yes, we had that honour although immediately we are surrounded by people and that leaves us free....
In yesterday's match against Murray, you let go of what I personally thought were two very crucial challenges. I wonder if it was because you didn't really notice (which seems improbable to me), or was it for some other reason? Mohona
I maybe made a mistake and thought hey were good. Not a problem.
Has there been any occasion when you tried playing tennis with your right hand? Sarah
Not when I am playing seriously or even practicing. Only when I play against someone who doesn't play well, like a friend who is not a tennis player.
I know that you have an iPad. Have you played the game 'Angry Birds' before? If you did, do you like the game? Jacklyn
Yes I do. Banesto, my bank sponsor gave it to me. I don't usually play games in the iPad.
I once read that you said it was a mistake to have bought your Aston Martin car....why was it a mistake? Niamh
I had some problems with it.
Petra Kvitova just won the women's title. She's a lefty like you and she's very young, what do you think of her? Also, who are your favourite female players and why? Tom
I didn't have the chance to see the final to be honest since I was doing some TV interviews and then had lunch with my team and my family.
Ask Rafa: I'm thinking about joining Twitter, but I won't tell you when yet!

Q&A: Get your questions into Rafa by e-mailing rafa@timesonline.co.uk and follow his progress in his own words.
Hello Rafa! Next year when you come back to Wimbledon for Olympic Games, will you be staying at the Olympic village with all other sportsmen or at the apartment same as during the regular tournament? Best wishes from all your fans in Bangladesh. Upoma & Paroma, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Yes, I am really looking forward to coming back here next year twice at least. The Olympics is something special. I will be staying during Wimbledon at the house I rent, but during the games at the Olympic village with all the athletes. I loved that atmosphere and would like to live it again!
Why do you call Maymo "Tin Tin"? Is it because he looks like the Belgian detective cartoon? Atch
Hahahahahah. We started like that one day and now we all call him like that. He didn't like it much at the beginning, but now it's OK.
Hi Rafa. Which of your Nike kits in recent years would you say is your favourite? Mine was the one you wore at Roland Garros when you won last year. Great colours and design. Nicole
I actually love all their designs. I love the fact that they always have live colors, except here the white of Wimbledon, which I also think is special and like it.
There is a lot of talk on Twitter that you will be joining after Wimbledon, is this true? And if you are, can you tell us when exactly? Looking forward to your tweets! Sofie from NYC
Yes, I am thinking about it. Not sure if it will be right after Wimbledon or when we go to Montreal.
Wimbledon is the only tournament where the winner is not taken to some famous city sight to be photographed with the trophy the next day, as is the practice in New York, Paris and Melbourne. If you could choose a famous sight in London to go to for an official photograph, where would it be and why? Julie (Woofs)
True. I suppose that the picture at that gorgeous stadium is strong enough for them. Maybe the first one would be in front of the Big Ben I suppose. Will have to ask Benito Perez-Barbadillo, my publicist.
What's your second favourite European country (Spain being the first, I assume)? Have you ever been to Hungary? Edina
I have never ben to Hungary, but I hear it is beautiful, especially the capital, Budapest. I love many things of many countries, especially cities like Paris, Rome, London and many others.
Taking a well earned rest after sadness of defeat

Good morning everyone and first of all thanks for all your support these past weeks.
I am already in Mallorca, back home. Now will be taking some time off, some holidays since I have practically been playing since the Davis Cup tie against Belgium, and that was back at the end of February!
I will be 2 weeks completely off, with my friends, enjoying the summer here in Mallorca.
I am obviously sad for Sunday's result but that's life. Sometimes you win and in tennis most of the times you lose. Novak was a better player that day and he is the winner.
Once again thanks, you can follow me on my Facebook page here.
Ask Rafa: Liam Broady could be a future star

Why do you let your opponents serve first at the beginning of a match ? Don't you think it's really risky and it will be more secure to serve first ? Emmanuelle
I always did it like that since I start with a very high intensity of my game and if I break I have a big advantage. If not, things are the same and I have to win my serve on the 2nd game.
Has there been any occasion when you tried playing as a righty? Jacklyn
No, never. I don't think I could even beat my uncle Toni!
How will you motivate yourself after the disappointment of losing today? Angie
Kind if easy this one: Holidays in Mallorca with my friends!
Was your injury to blame or was Novak Djokovic just too good? Denise
Novak was just too good for me on Sunday. I have to keep working and improve things.
Djokovic seemed to target your backhand - was that crucial in him defeating you? Alex
I don't think it is only a backhand or playing to my backhand. I think at the important moments he played better than me, forehand, backhand or service.
You seemed very upset at losing today. Has it made you more determined to win back your title next year? David
One thing is for sure, I'll try my best to be back!
What did you think of Liam Broady when he practiced with you. Could he be as good as Andy Murray in the future? Sam
IT is difficult he say but he definitely has the tools!
Taking a well earned rest after sadness of defeat
Good morning everyone and first of all thanks for all your support these past weeks.
I am already in Mallorca, back home. Now will be taking some time off, some holidays since I have practically been playing since the Davis Cup tie against Belgium, and that was back at the end of February!
I will be 2 weeks completely off, with my friends, enjoying the summer here in Mallorca.
I am obviously sad for Sunday's result but that's life. Sometimes you win and in tennis most of the times you lose. Novak was a better player that day and he is the winner.
Once again thanks, you can follow me on my Facebook page here.
Why do you let your opponents serve first at the beginning of a match ? Don't you think it's really risky and it will be more secure to serve first ? Emmanuelle
I always did it like that since I start with a very high intensity of my game and if I break I have a big advantage. If not, things are the same and I have to win my serve on the 2nd game.
Has there been any occasion when you tried playing as a righty? Jacklyn
No, never. I don't think I could even beat my uncle Toni!
How will you motivate yourself after the disappointment of losing today? Angie
Kind if easy this one: Holidays in Mallorca with my friends!
Was your injury to blame or was Novak Djokovic just too good? Denise
Novak was just too good for me on Sunday. I have to keep working and improve things.
Djokovic seemed to target your backhand - was that crucial in him defeating you? Alex
I don't think it is only a backhand or playing to my backhand. I think at the important moments he played better than me, forehand, backhand or service.
You seemed very upset at losing today. Has it made you more determined to win back your title next year? David
One thing is for sure, I'll try my best to be back!
What did you think of Liam Broady when he practiced with you. Could he be as good as Andy Murray in the future? Sam
IT is difficult he say but he definitely has the tools!
Ask Rafa: a British player is helping me prepare for the final
Hi everyone,
I had a quite day at Wimbledon on Saturday. Practiced with the British junior I have been practicing with almost all week this week. I want to thank him (Evan Hoyt) for these days (today he is also warming me up before the match) and his coach for helping me.
I had some time with my team and my family and didn't do much. Stayed at the house focusing on today's match. Some talks with my team, with my family, some funny discussions about things that happened these past weeks.
I won't be able to write the final post after the match but I promise that Monday morning you will have the final recap. Thanks all for your support this weeks! It's been great no matter what happens today!
Congratulations for the win against Murray. Care to share with us your routine on the eve of finals? Do you do anything to de-stress? Jacklyn
Many thanks. I am doing the normal things I would do a day before a match. Had some dinner with my family and team here at Wimbledon. THen had some physio treatment as every night and now going to bed. It is half past midnight as I write this.
Looking at your game against Murray, which aspect of it you are least satisfied and need to improve when you play in the final? Sharon Lam
I think I played very well all the match. Andy played better than me the first set but I didn't play bad. He was simply better.
At the Champions ball do the two winners still have to have the first dance together? Judith Forde
Yes, we had that honour although immediately we are surrounded by people and that leaves us free....
In yesterday's match against Murray, you let go of what I personally thought were two very crucial challenges. I wonder if it was because you didn't really notice (which seems improbable to me), or was it for some other reason? Mohona
I maybe made a mistake and thought hey were good. Not a problem.
Has there been any occasion when you tried playing tennis with your right hand? Sarah
Not when I am playing seriously or even practicing. Only when I play against someone who doesn't play well, like a friend who is not a tennis player.
I know that you have an iPad. Have you played the game 'Angry Birds' before? If you did, do you like the game? Jacklyn
Yes I do. Banesto, my bank sponsor gave it to me. I don't usually play games in the iPad.
I once read that you said it was a mistake to have bought your Aston Martin car....why was it a mistake? Niamh
I had some problems with it.
Petra Kvitova just won the women's title. She's a lefty like you and she's very young, what do you think of her? Also, who are your favourite female players and why? Tom
I didn't have the chance to see the final to be honest since I was doing some TV interviews and then had lunch with my team and my family.
Q&A: Get your questions into Rafa by e-mailing rafa@timesonline.co.uk and follow his progress in his own words.
Hello Rafa! Next year when you come back to Wimbledon for Olympic Games, will you be staying at the Olympic village with all other sportsmen or at the apartment same as during the regular tournament? Best wishes from all your fans in Bangladesh. Upoma & Paroma, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Yes, I am really looking forward to coming back here next year twice at least. The Olympics is something special. I will be staying during Wimbledon at the house I rent, but during the games at the Olympic village with all the athletes. I loved that atmosphere and would like to live it again!
Why do you call Maymo "Tin Tin"? Is it because he looks like the Belgian detective cartoon? Atch
Hahahahahah. We started like that one day and now we all call him like that. He didn't like it much at the beginning, but now it's OK.
Hi Rafa. Which of your Nike kits in recent years would you say is your favourite? Mine was the one you wore at Roland Garros when you won last year. Great colours and design. Nicole
I actually love all their designs. I love the fact that they always have live colors, except here the white of Wimbledon, which I also think is special and like it.
There is a lot of talk on Twitter that you will be joining after Wimbledon, is this true? And if you are, can you tell us when exactly? Looking forward to your tweets! Sofie from NYC
Yes, I am thinking about it. Not sure if it will be right after Wimbledon or when we go to Montreal.
Wimbledon is the only tournament where the winner is not taken to some famous city sight to be photographed with the trophy the next day, as is the practice in New York, Paris and Melbourne. If you could choose a famous sight in London to go to for an official photograph, where would it be and why? Julie (Woofs)
True. I suppose that the picture at that gorgeous stadium is strong enough for them. Maybe the first one would be in front of the Big Ben I suppose. Will have to ask Benito Perez-Barbadillo, my publicist.
What's your second favourite European country (Spain being the first, I assume)? Have you ever been to Hungary? Edina
I have never ben to Hungary, but I hear it is beautiful, especially the capital, Budapest. I love many things of many countries, especially cities like Paris, Rome, London and many others.
Novak Djokovic deserves to replace me as world No 1
My first words go to Andy Murray, he is a very talented player, a really good one, best of best and yesterday during the first set he proved it once again. What a first set, there was no way I could keep up with his shots! I always say it but it will be sooner than later that he will win a Grand Slam. And I also think that even if he hasn't won a major yet, he is much better than some players that have won one!
And my next thing is to thank the crowds! Once again they proved how respectful, fair and knowledgeable are. These are arguably the best crowd in the World since they have always been very supportive with their local player but also with the rival. Every time I've played here they have been like this! Really feel good here!
And to finalize, wanted to congratulate Novak for being number one. He has been the best player so far this year and deserves to be the ATP World number 1.
As you can imagine I am very happy for being again on the final of Wimbledon. If anyone would have told me when I was 15, or 16 or 19 years old that I would have played 5 finals at Wimbledon I would have not believed it. But I am very fortunate and tomorrow I will be playing my fifth final here. Very excited and looking forward to that. I am sure it will be difficult for me to sleep well tonight....
Q&A: Get your questions into Rafa by e-mailing rafa@timesonline.co.uk and follow his progress in his own words.
Hello everyone. We are back at Wimbledon semis against a great player. I have always said that Andy is one of the best and here you go he is again at a Grand Slam semi-final. We have always played great matches and I am sure this will not be an exception.
I have had a lot of questions about the crowds and I have to say that I have always seen this crowd like the most respectful of all with all opponents.
Thanks to all
When you are practicing with junior players during a tournament, what advice do they ask from you? Is it about how to handle themselves on court and off the court? Or on specific techniques? Or something else? Atch
It all depends on the player. Some are more keen in asking questions about matches and technical things but most of them they just hit and we talk about our lives. It is normally the coaches the ones that ask more.
With regards to the anaesthetic on your foot, was it a team decision or your decision? I hope this works out well for you Rafa. Jackly
We work as a team but in the end it is my decision based on the advices and opinions of the team.
What did you think about the Federer-Tsonga match? Harry
I didn't see it all since I had to play. It did surprise me that Roger lost since he was playing great, probably the best tennis of all at this tournament and he was two sets up.
Tell us about Andy Murray's strengths? Does it include the crowd? Wan Li
I am sure the crowd will be as supportive with him as always but as respectful as always with the opponent. I really think they are very fair here. And regarding his strengths, he's got it all. He is a very talented player.
Do you think that your injury gives Andy Murray extra confidence? Fez
I don't think so.
There is something that has been bugging me - who is the man with the cowboy hat that sits on the end of your players box? I also noticed him sitting in the exact same place when you won that fantastic final against Federer in 2008. Debbie
Hahahhaaha. He is the gentleman that accommodates guests at both players box. He's been there for years and actually lives in Abu dhabi.
Whilst watching your game against Fish, I noticed you were standing quite far at the back of the court when receiving serve,which you hadn't done during the previous matches. What aspects of Fish's game made you do that? In what way does that enhance your game? Sharon
He is a great server and had only lost one service game before our match. So it was a dangerous match and as a matter of fact you saw the last 2 sets.
How difficult is it for you to eat enough of the correct foods before a match to keep you going if you do not know exactly what time you will be going on court? Do you ever feel hungry when playing a long match? Karen
We are used to it and not that I don't eat well or things i don't like. I tend to eat 2 hours before the match normally. I also eat some bananas or things like that during a match.
What tactics will you use to beat Andy Murray?Jenny
Play. Try to play! He is very good!
How much is your foot hampering you? If it is dead than it must impact on your game surely?Greg C
We'll see tomorrow.