Rafael Nadal - Arthur Ashe Kids Day @ US Open
More details here
Rafa & Novak Playing Doubles In Montreal (although not together)
Montreal, July 27, 2011 – Rogers Cup presented by National Bank Tournament Director Eugène Lapierre
announced today the doubles entry list for the 2011 tournament. This year's draw will be very strong as the top
eight teams in the world as well as five Top 10 players have confirmed their entry.
The top-ranked Bryan brothers will be back to defend the title they won last summer in Toronto. Meanwhile,
Canadian Daniel Nestor and his partner, Max Mirnyi of Belarus will be seeded second. Several players have decided
to team up with their compatriots. World No. 1 Novak Djokovic will team up with Janko Tipsarevic, Rafael Nadal will
play with Marc Lopez, Gilles Simon will make up an all-French team with Richard Gasquet and two-time defending
Rogers Cup champion Andy Murray will partner with his brother, Jamie Murray. In addition, Gael Monfils and Jo-
Wilfried Tsonga have entered alongside Pablo Andujar and Stanislas Wawrinka, respectively.
Rafael Nadal v Novak Djokovic in Mexico
Los actuales dos mejores jugadores de tenis del mundo, el serbio Novak Djokovic y el español Rafael Nadal, deleitarán a los capitalinos aficionados al deporte blanco con una exhibición que ofrecerán en octubre o noviembre próximos en un escenario por definir entre el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México y la plaza del Monumento a la Revolución.
Novak Djokovic tiene dos años menos de experiencia en el circuito de la ATP que Rafael Nadal, pero eso no lo limita para jugarle de tú a tú y protagonizar esta temporada una de las rivalidades más fuertes en el tenis.
La Secretaría de Turismo del Distrito Federal, a cargo de Alejandro Rojas, ya recibió la confirmación de los representantes de ambos tenistas para jugar en la Ciudad de México en un evento que servirá de promoción de la capital y que se denominará "El partido por la Paz".
A decir de Rojas, el Jefe de Gobierno Marcelo Ebrard quiere que a través de esta presentación se proyecte al mundo una imagen segura y pacífica de la Ciudad de México.
Ebrard será quien tenga la última palabra para definir el lugar donde se montará la cancha en la que se enfrentarán Nole, campeón de Wimbledon y número uno del mundo, y Rafa, monarca en Roland Garros.
"Ya hay un compromiso previo, un sí de parte de ellos, incluso me dicen que Nadal está muy optimista y deseoso de venir a la Ciudad de México. Lo único que podemos decir ahorita es que ellos vienen", aseveró Rojas.
"Los dos tenistas más grandes del mundo actualmente vienen a la ciudad más grande del mundo, a la Plaza más grande de Latinoamérica. Esto sería entre octubre y noviembre, dependiendo de la agenda de los jugadores. Además, como es una exhibición, no requieren tanta preparación y no van a competir", añadió el funcionario.
Rojas no reveló el monto del pago de garantías que exige todo tenista profesional ni el costo total de la organización, pero afirmó que los gastos correrán por cuenta de patrocinadores y que el GDF se encargará básicamente de logística, seguridad y promoción.
El Zócalo capitalino estuvo contemplado en febrero de 2009 como sede de un Derby de Jonrones previo al Clásico Mundial de marzo de ese año, pero finalmente el evento no se realizó por falta de permisos.
The current two best tennis players in the world, Novak Djokovic Rafael Nadal and Spanish, will delight the capital's white sports fans offer an exhibition in October or November next on stage to define between the City's Zocalo Mexico and the plaza of the Monument to the Revolution. Novak Djokovic is two years less experience in the ATP Rafael Nadal, but that does not limit you to play you one on one and star in this season one of the strongest rivalries in tennis. The Ministry of Tourism of Mexico, by Alejandro Rojas, and was confirmed by representatives of both players to play in Mexico City at an event that will serve to promote the capital to be called "The Party for Peace ". To say Rojas, Head of Government Marcelo Ebrard wants through this presentation is projected to the world a safe and peaceful image of Mexico City. Ebrard is who has the final word for the place where the court is to be mounted where they will face Nole, Wimbledon champion and world number one, and Rafa, king at Roland Garros. "There's a prior commitment, a yes from them, I even say that Nadal is very optimistic and eager to come to Mexico City. All we can say right now is that they come," said Rojas. "The two world's largest players now come to the largest city in the world, the largest square in Latin America. This would be in October or November, depending on the agenda of the players. Moreover, as is an exhibition not require much preparation and will not compete, "he added. Rojas did not disclose the amount of payment guarantees, demanding professional tennis player or the total cost of the organization, but said that the expenses borne by sponsors and the GDF is basically responsible for logistics, security and promotion. The Zocalo was laid in February 2009 to host a Home Run Derby before the World Baseball Classic in March of that year, but eventually the event was not held due to lack of permissions.
Original article here
Rafael Nadal - Where To Buy The Book
Good Morning. You can already book Rafa's book at the following sites: amazon.com, bn.com, borders.com or indiebound.com. Hope you enjoy it. Rafa's team.
Rafael Nadal & Novak Djokovic - Exhibition Match in Mexico City
Rafael Nadal - Autobiography Ready For Release
Rafael Nadal is nearly ready to release his autobiography, recently posting an update and a picture of the book's title page to his Facebook followers.
On Thursday, Nadal posted, "Hi everyone, after a year working with the well-known writer John Carlin, I want you to be the first to know that the book is due in August and and I want to share with you the title page. What do you think about it? Also, very soon I'll release the first chapter only for you . Rafa"
The title page shows a closeup of a serious-looking Nadal, with the words "RAFA: Rafael Nadal and John Carlin" at the bottom of the page.
The autobiography will reportedly center around Nadal's career accomplishments, including behind-the-scenes stories of his most notable victories.
In April, non-fiction publishing director Adam Strange of Sphere, who had bought UK and Commonwealth rights to Nadal's memoir, had said, "It's a real treat to have this book as I've been a fan of Rafa's for some time. The world number one is a ferocious competitor on court and yet manages to display a grace and humility off it that is completely charming, and quite unusual in today's sporting world. His list of achievements and records is extraordinary."
Strange had added, "Along with the rest of his millions of fans worldwide, I'm very much looking forward to finding out what makes him tick. Rafa is an intensely private person and until now he's not talked openly about his personal and family life."
Sphere's current release date for the book is August 23, and according to Strange, Sphere anticipates that the memoir will be very successful.
"I don't think any player since Agassi has really captured the tennis world in the way Rafa has, so we have really high hopes for the book," Strange said.
Amazon's product description for the book reads:
What makes a champion? What does it take to be the best in the world at your sport?
Rafael Nadal, one of the greatest players in the history of tennis, has the answers. In his memoir, written with award-winning journalist John Carlin, he reveals the secrets of his game and shares the inspiring personal story behind his success. It begins in Mallorca, a small island on the Mediterranean Sea, where the tight-knit Nadal family has lived for generations. Coached by his uncle Toni from the age of four, taught humility and respect by his parents, cherished by his exceptionally close extended family, Nadal has managed the uncommon feat of becoming an acclaimed global celebrity while remaining an unfailingly gracious, relentlessly hardworking role model for people in all walks of life.
Since he embarked on his tennis career ten years ago, the twenty-five-year-old Nadal has had a meteoric rise, becoming the youngest professional tennis player ever to win all four Grand Slam titles. He collected his first one, the French Open, in 2005 at age nineteen, and from there went on to win Wimbledon, the Australian Open, and, most difficult of all, the U.S. Open in 2010. His memoir takes us behind the scenes, sharing the highs and lows of his career, from winning the Wimbledon 2008 final, described by John McEnroe as "the greatest game of tennis" he had ever seen, to the family problems that brought him low in 2009 and the numerous injuries that have threatened his career.
With candor, heart, and intelligence, Rafael Nadal takes readers on his life's dramatic and triumphant journey, never losing sight along the way of the prize he values above all others: the unity and love of his family.
Are you looking forward to the book's release? Will you be picking up a copy?
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Rafael Nadal - Back in Training - Video
Courtesy: vamosrafelnadal
Winner of the Wimbledon Competition from Facebook was someone called Alex. Here is Rafa signing the winners racquet. Lucky person.
Rafael Nadal - Facebook Update
Go to Rafa's Facebook page and the photo is there :-)
Rafael Nadal On His Bike
Get pedalling Rafa :)
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