Rafael Nadal - Triumphant & Precocious

Courtesy: Official Website

Thanks to the Emilio Sánchez Vicario Foundation, World No.1 RAFA NADAL and Atlético de Madrid football player, SERGIO “KUN” AGÜERO, got together today to analyze and talk about the aspects of their lives that affect their careers, that affect society and what being positive means to them. ALBERTO RUIZ GALLARDÓN - Madrid’s Mayor - was the organizer and host of this event.

In front of more than 200 people, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón acknowledged the impact people like Rafa and Kun Agüero can have in today’s society. “When youngsters look at you, in some way, they think of hope.”
For someone as polite and humble as Rafa of course, there is no greater satisfaction than knowing that his passion for tennis and the success that has come with it has brought him the opportunity to have a voice that is highly valued.

“People like us have worked real hard, but there is no denying we have had a lot of luck at the same time.
The current [economy] is [distressing for a lot of people] and we too are worried about it as we all have people we know who have been affected by it. To me though, the important thing is to give yourself the opportunity [to believe] that everything is going to be better and to take each day as it comes.”

“I too have had doubts and gone though rough times. Doubts can’t be overcome; you have to live with them. But you have to think about doing something better every day and don’t become obsessed with the future”.

Both precocious and successful in their disciplines, Rafa and Kun also shared they try to live their lives by being responsible and professional every day.

“We have to have our heads on right to be able to appreciate and enjoy everything we have. I sometimes worry too much but if I put everything into perspective, I can only thank life,” said Rafa before explaining that despite leading a crazy life because of all the fame, everything “has been worth it 100%. I don’t suffer, I have had to make some sacrifices but I enjoy what I do, I get to compete and I can maintain a manageable level of privacy without problem. I live in Manacor, over there, everyone is used to seeing me. They respect me and I don’t have to hide.”

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