Listen to Rolling in the Deep by Adele + Jay-Z + Biggie (Voodoo Farm remix)


Voodoo Farm remixes Adele's "Rolling In The Deep" with all original music and Brooklyn's finest emcees gracing the track. Video created/edited by Liam Dirlam. All footage recorded in Arizona/Las Vegas in November 2010 by Liam Dirlam and Taryn Holman.

VOODOO FARM is an electronic music project created in 2009 by DJ/producer/filmmaker Liam Dirlam. The NYC group is based on collaborative efforts from Dirlam's friends across the United States.

The bulk of the production on Voodoo Farm's next album (May 2011) will feature Liam Dirlam and Robert E. Corrigan Jr. (Muscle Car Chronicles) along with guest appearances from several talented artists.

For more information, check out and make sure to follow Voodoo Farm on Facebook for more free music!

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