
havent been on this in a long time. been busy with, stupid as school, truthfully only going because my moms wants me too. making music, suprised that i have the buzz that i have, niggas on twitter and all this other shit talking about me. i was hearing this from other people, still dont really beleive the shit tho, but whatever. its crazy how people finally like me. like, its other kids that can releate to the shit im yapping about. the kids that you too fuck with me in middle know my lrics now, the fucking irony. swag me the fuck out b. but, im not happy with life. as much " succesess" that i have at my age, as elite my follwoing of my cult( ofwgkta) is, and fucking cool people think i am or as happy and fun i seem, i just want to end it. it's alot that no one knows, and it sucks. have no one too talk too. i just want to vent out but, i can't. i mean, no emo faggot or nothing but everyone needs someone to talk to, and everyone does but, no matter how close i am with anyone weather its davon or travis or whoever, i still trust no one. i find myself making songs about alot more evil shit more and more everytime i make music. for the past year, almost every instrumental i composed have been dark. the dark that gives you chills, an erie form of sound, and it's begining to scare me. i look back at old you tube videos in the 10th grade or so when i would smile alot. just a wild cray kid loving his life. now, at times, only at times, when im smiling or whatever, its to cover up the fac that i want to kill. kill my family. i hate this living situation. no alone time, to come at peace with myself. to look in the mirror and find tyler, not wolf haley or ace or whoever. i wished my mother was here. shit would have been way better off. but eh, who's to fucking blame. thats life. 24 minutes.