Last night, Went To
Casey Veggies First Performence, At The Party Done By The Homie Jordan. I Introduced Him, Thinking Nigga Bout To Crack.....The Softest Song'I Gotcha" This Nigga Performs....The Crowd Was like WTF?......I Try To Hype It Up But The Song Wasnt Working......So That Shit Gets Over With......Then "They Know" Comes On!!!......Nigga Go Crazy, Every Nigga Was had on A RS Except For Me And Mookie.....ANyway......They killed....But
JoshPeas Verse had Teh Crowd Buggin...Every Knew The Fucking Lyrics.....Had A Ball, Chilled With Yori, Kiara And Thomas Most of The Time...Thanks To Wayne( pws my nigga) For The Ride...Nigga Standed....I Had Fun Like A Mu'Fucka, O, The Female In The Blue Dress Has Talent.


Anwar Carrots




Happy Face