Parent Conference

So my Mom Comes To Go Over My grades. I'm Feeling Good, got 2 b+, and 2 A's and a c. so, my asb teacher comes down and fucking ask her " have you heard tylers music?", my mother pauses............"no, i haven't" my fucking teacher tells her about the studio up stairs and thinks i should show her my myspace. i show her, and im ready to x it out, then my teacher is like " do you know he like to take photos?" i had no i gotta show her my pictures and shit, and then my teacher tells her about my videos!!!!!......i told them i deleted them........

so we go up stairs and she meets the director, and says she wants to hear some music.
i recorded supreme, speakerboxx and odd toddlers, along time ago, and i wanted it deleted because i though it was the wackest shit i ever heard.
he like" mom, lets go and take a listen" like NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought you deleted it...nah i kept it!!!....What The Fuck!!!!!!!.......
So Im like Ill Play Her Some beats.
I Go to my Music page and play her every beat on there.....she hates all of them...........all she said was" play the next one!"

i tried to talk about some other shit over the beat, but she kept telling me to stfu and listen.

so we leave out the room, and the director is like, " you heard the ones with lyrics?"...."o jst the beats"

i tried my hardest so she couldnt hear them...i hate them, im saying shit like aids and fat bitch and she just laughing.... still pist....i sent a text message to almost everyone i know.

i dont even know if i want to do this music shit anymore man........

i think i wanna do the doom thing, like when i rap, have a mask or change my voice or somthing, cause people know i dont get embarrassed, i cant act a fool n public, but when it comes to my sounds and literature, im always like "no dont play!!!", man........this stereo-type shit isnt gonna over it.

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