<10/11 update: here's the link to the dates and details on the "Peter Wright Tennis Tour.">
Cal's head coach Peter Wright was in Tulsa most of the week with player Pierre Mouillon, who qualified, then had the misfortune of drawing top seed John Isner in the first round. But Wright didn't go home, because Mouillon won three consolation matches, and I had an opportunity to speak with him briefly Saturday afternoon. I learned he was a regular reader of zootennis, which I appreciate, and I got from him a brief description of the program he's just started to get local juniors, pros and college players together for a day of tennis on Sundays this fall. (If you're a junior in the Bay Area, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.) It sounds like a simple enough concept, but NCAA regulations are a complex maze--just ask Wright and the Cal compliance officer. He promised to put me on his mailing list, so I'll try to keep up with what's happening in his pilot program.
The ink I'm referring to is a story that local Tulsa World sportwriter John Ferguson did on Wright. Ferguson was at the Case Tennis Center writing primarily about Tulsa player Arnau Brugues of course, but he was enthusiastic about all the high-quality tennis the new facility has allowed him to cover in the past five years.