Luke Jensen Named Women's Coach at Syracuse

Luke Jensen picked a good day for maximum publicity for the announcement that he's been named the women's tennis coach at the University of Syracuse. A washout in New York means a lot of tennis press looking for stories, and this is certainly a surprising one.

Jensen hopes to serve as head coach and to continue as a commentator and tennis ambassador, and his boss apparently supports this ambition, at least for now. I know Jensen loves the game, but does he have the technical expertise and enough experience in coaching to handle the job? Attitude and motivation are big parts of coaching, but they aren't the only parts. Knowledge must be conveyed. Players that want to get better need to know how.

Charlie Bricker posted a story on Lauren Albanese today, while TennisWorld's Peter Bodo spent some time watching the Donald Young/Novak Djokovic match yesterday and didn't like what he saw regarding Young's game.

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