Tennis plan to create champs :: Herald Sun

Herald Sun: Tennis plan to create champs [28oct05]~~~

Just a short post to advise that I'm back on terra firma, and after a week of not writing, it may take a few days before I'm up to speed. Bermuda experienced some ugly weather as Wilma blew past, but with one bad day sandwiched between two perfect ones, we certainly had no reason to complain. I'm indulging in one tourist photo here:

From what I can gather, the big story while I was gone was Andy Murray's win over Tim Henman. There's nothing I can contribute to that British media feast. (Style alert: anyone who has been on a cruise knows that the above food metaphors are an unavoidable consequence of too many recent buffet opportunities).

But the above story about Craig Tiley's changes in Australian tennis and this one on Tiley's home country South Africa's plans to restructure its player development, feature two completely different methods and philosophies. Whose is most productive won't be known for several years, but if both countries stick to their plans at least we'll have a chance to assess two contrasting approaches.

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