Indianola Junior Achieves Rare Double Victory:: USTA Southern Section News

Indianola Junior Achieves Rare Double Victory~~~ Lewis Butler is a name I'm going to be watching for now thanks to this story. In addition to winning the Southern Open and Southern Closed this past June, he's just added the Kentucky Derby 12s title to his resume. Not having seen any 12s since the Easter Bowl, way back in April, I'm looking forward to the Eddie Herr and the Junior Orange Bowl, with the chance to put some faces and names together.

Also, a shoutout to the Southern Section, whose email bulletin consistently features truly interesting junior news. For example, this story gave me my first exposure to the Maureen Connolly Challenge Trophy competition. I'm delighted to see Nelly Radeva and Sarah Guzick, both of whom I first saw play at this year's Easter Bowl, are representing the U.S. in Bermuda against Great Britain.

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