La Times

a long time ago i was in an article for la times, you can check it out here.

click the picture.



Sorry For not Updating This Shit.
So Much Shit.
No Ipod, Flat Tire, Camera Broke.

But, i Did, however, Make A newer Vesion of Odd Toddlers.


Monday coming up, Zombie Radio will play my boy Casey Veggies Song, The Dope Dealer (one of the dopest songs of 2008) On There Radio Show Monday.
Check That Shit out!!!


Joy Ride

Ace X Casey X Car = Flat Fucking Tire

Fun Tho

Steering Wheel


Billionaire Boys Club is Still The Greatest. People Was Hectic About The New Season, Only Because Of The Sweaters And They Thought They Lost There'steetwear' Sense. But no...........They Still Have it......On my List For The Year Cops



That Shit Was Dope yooo
I Be Killing Niggas

ThatDude101: yea im done
bloxhead: i WON!!!!!
ThatDude101: your momma rocks starburys
bichimpaid: sdhsjl
ThatDude101: haha
bloxhead: you mom is one of the members from the re up gang
ThatDude101: your moms favorite actor is nicolas cage
bloxhead: she a ***** bitch
ThatDude101: your dad look like a gay dj unk talking bout walk it out
bloxhead: you dad is your mom
bloxhead: you dad is his stylist *****
ThatDude101: your dad looks like ru paul niggga
bloxhead: you mom is flavor flav
bloxhead: when she queefs, it smells like flavor flor breath
ThatDude101: your mom was raped by mystykal
bloxhead: your moms ussy looks like master p in the "make em say uuhhh" video
ThatDude101: your moms look like junior ried
bloxhead: you moms sound looks like mims carrer
ThatDude101: lol
bloxhead: your mom looks like that one dread tpain has, with the blonde shitLoading...
Moms Let me Experiment. Dvd Player, Computer, Cable TV, And Speakers Hooked Up To The Same TV.
It Worked........And The Computer Screen is big As FUCK!!!!


Wish i Was There.
Knock Some Shit Out, ROTATION IS MY SHIT
We One The Come up.
Odd Future man..........
Plus These Niggas Is One They're Techno Shit.....
Dope As Fuck, Im Still Working on Pictures.....


Blair Bitch Project





gesso, flour, molding pastes


Customized Greatly


I Got A little Preview Of Vol 2, And its Fucking Dope Yo. The Concepts Are Sick and he Chose Some Sick Beats, Casey Gonna kill me For This But, Be Is To Fucking Real. Thats it.......
Click The Picture.
08 Is Looking Good.

diamond supply co.

Songs of The Week



Fuck i Need To Get Signed. Star Trak/Def Jam/Stones Throw. Somthing Yo. Album Soon.


So, I Took This One Photo.

And Did More With it, Check it.

New N.E.R.D.

Click The Picture

This Shit Is Coke Yo. For Real.$100 Bills



People Know i DOnt Smoke Really, maybe Once A Year, but i said fuck it last week. Went to this big ass house blazed up some shit and was too fucked up. i wanted to get outta that high man. it was some medical shit called 'super bubble blue kush'. it had like crystals and shit, on it. as i was gone, i cranked my ipod. songs that i can remember was....

Prince-Just As Long As Were Together
N.E.R.D.-Tape You
Casey Veggies-Dope Dealer
Roy Ayers-Mystic Voyage


Long Time No Fucking Talk

my mother and i left for sacramento cali, elk grove on sunday, packed all out shit up and left. ive have without the internet since saturday, no cable, no playstation, no nothing. i did have my ipod, and my camera. i noticed some shit. since i didnt have my usual, i just started taking pictures, since i had no luxury for a few days my imagination came to place, and pictures and playing is all ive been doing. i took some pics on the way here, the fucking dreadfull 6 hour drive was hectic. mountains and cows and shit was all was drove, sa and smelled as we made are way to this fucking house. its cool tho, in the backyard its a fucking river or someshit, some white people shit for real. its rains alot, and we are the only blacks in the fucking area. my mom and sister is staying out here, on sunday im headed back home to ladera heights. here some pics. i had those cars since the 5th grade, vapors and worms kept me busy during the ride, and the fucking poster was a OF idea...over it.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Dirty Moneys


I Made These For The Cover Of Hell Hath No Fury.

We Got It For Cheap.

Fuck. Clipse has Done it Again. Another Mixtape.....ive been a Fan of Clipse Since The 6th grade, and they have brought it everytime. Lord Willin Is A Classic, HHNF Is A Classic, And The We Got it For Cheap Saga is Going in history. Ab Liva And Sandman Are back With Them too For The Reupgang Shit......When It Comes To gangster Or Coke Rap, jeezy, Weezy, Rick Ross or Who Ever Is not And Will never Fuck With Them So Get Your Hopes Down.

Odd Future

Will be in Full Effect Soon.
I Gotta get a Couple more People With The Camp, Printing is a Bitch But, Its Gonna Work out. The Page is updated With A new look And The Site is In Progress.......
Click The picPhotobucket


No Homo.




The Dirt Went Hard For The Past Few Days...kicked In With Antwan Dixon, Water Fights, Kicking niggas Out, guns, Cops, Jail.....DIRTY DIRTY!!!!!


Just look.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

anyway, at school we had some dude come and teach a group of students the african drums and the culture, which i thought was dope. to bad i couldnt play them, i had the privlige of filming them, for this filming program we have. it was pretty chill but i couldnt shoot it how i would shoot it =(.

and dont you hate when people gotta lie to "kick" it?Photobucket and we had some bomb ass watermelon.
me saying that makes me more of a nigger than i was 2minutes ago.

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