Well All Know The Skateboarding And Sneakerhead trend.....But Music? i Notice more And More Everyday People Liking MF Doom.........Truthfully, I Really Him And madlib..........Doom Has Dope lyrics But No Steez....any fucking way.......every mother fucker i know who a year ago didnt like mf doom and shit, now likes this motherfucker....WHY?....i dont get the shit, like, when are you gay faggots gonna learn to be your fucking selves and not try to be different and stupid shit.like, its was me, vyron, arci, erbs and a couple other fucks, and these too homo thugs wering the same shoes comes up to arci and anwar like " where you get yo shoes from?"....no one tells them i think " are you a sneakerhead?"....
you can tell off the bat, they found hype, found some stores and bought some shit because they weanna be the cool different kids, not because they have a love for sneakers and clothing and designs and shit, they just wanna.......
im over it.
its like fuck, these nike head republic swag boys faggots just need to die, its just fucking erks man man.
vyron arci and i went into Bp and right when we walked in we stopped, looked and said, this shit is dead, never come in here again...........
they reason is because it was full of vneck walletchain chuck wearing niggas, one with a skteboars and a mohawk........now one of my favorite like is in there, and im gonna keep rocking even if they wear it because its me, but its like, when niggas only buy the shit because its "on melrose" it gives it a bad look, then makes me look bad....then it gets to the hood and shit, then its fakes running around.......kinda like bape.......niggas found out, it got faked, was the hot shit once in time, now no one wears it, but i still sport my bbc/bape shit with pride cus thats my shit.
eat a dick.