Jacob And Kevin Go To hard.

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Odd Futura!

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On My Lip.

That Beat Goes To Hard. Call it Supersonic
I Wanna Put it On Stereo-Type, But Not The Shit i Recorded, Write Some real Shit To it............Herpes on my lip in Got Herpes.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Gomez Is Ha-larious

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Food boxes for J.Bleitz's GIC1 class

My World

I Think my Logo is the The robot with The hat, Hes Gonna gave a Crewneck And Some Big Ears.

i Was Board In Class So i Drew This on my Milano Folder

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Havent Seen This Nigga in Years.........

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I Dont Know Why, But This is One of my favorite pictures ive Tooken.

I Dont Know Wtf It Stands For.....But, It Goes to Hard.

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I Dont Know Why, But This is One of my favorite pictures ive Taken.

I Dont Know Wtf It Stands For.....But, It Goes to Hard.

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Which One Is Me In Animation?

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Woke Up.
davon calls me like" we still going"
jay calls saying we have a ride.
im like cool.
tajj calls me like "you ready?"
yeah but my mom leave her fucking phone in her room, and left without telling me.
so im babysitting and shit.
and hour pass, its like 2, call tajj and say, ill just go next time.
4 minutes later, i call jay and say" my mother bacvk lets go.
to make a long story short, tajj doesnt come until and hour later.
on the wat to the fax, we rolling, some nation of islam dude comes up and im super scared of them dudes.
we get to fax, tajj dont have board so he running and sshit.........some kid named travis tells us tk and jrod is at_______ store, we go and there is jereme rogers....we talk and take pics, cool as nigga.......we see tk, he has on my GRAILS!!!!!.....polka dot roadstas!!!1....he shakes our hand and screams out "KEEP SKATIN NIGGASS" we skate the fax, jay is really skatin hard, me tajj play skate, i low key won the first game, but gave up, he won the second one...........arci had to home by 7 but to bad........me and arci was gonna stop by kendo to see ian, and we see vyron and mookie......all of a sudden marcus and these to gay niggas come up.......we have jokes, and marcus has to cameras, so we just having a photoshoot and shit, skating on walls and weird shit............we decide to go to the pizza place, and eat, we go, and i meet this dude that changed my life.

"HEYY!!!!....fjhgbdjbfjnsinf fgjn ebnf with a backpack?"

E Nuggets Or Some Shit....Goes hard.

Any Way, i get the idea to throw my pizza crusrt on the ground, as people walk by i scream" watch out for my crust my crust, and i run uo to them screamin, they jump and move, i pick the shit up and eat it, this goes on for 15 minutes.
we go to the grove........fuck.....my hands hurt, ima finish the rest later.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

New Block Kids-Allure

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Lido (Love)


Low key Was Cool Until The Fairfax Game.
Hung out With The Priceless Kids, Shit Was Dope.
Ian Is Fucking Weird.
My Nigga Casey Joined me in The Cypher with Mookie Beat Boxing
Anwar can Rap Low key.
And Diamond D is A Cool kid.
met Ricky Web and Thomas Too!!!!!!
Diz Came by Smoking Again.
Aki From K.bury is Cool as hell.
Skated Almost All Day.
met Tj x Iman At The grove And This other Girl Named Tyler That Was Cute but Didnt get The info.
Tomarrow Shall be A Fun Day.
And i hurt my Leg Skating All Day Niggas!

Fairfax High

I Noticed That every female dress the fucking same now.

little bamboo or braclets on their wrist, scarf, some head band shit around there head, some abercrombie get up, skinny jeans with some .

A. Dunks
C. Some Fucking Ballaarriinnaa Shoes.

Then They have To Have The Side Kick With Some Gold Chain With A Heart Or some shit.

its like fuck..........

Brown Paper Bag

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Casey Veggies

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Ths Dude Needs No Intro

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The Nigga In The Vneck Goes hard

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It Was All jokes. Elbows!

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Diamond D

My Only Father Figures.

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This Goes To Hard

I Was At School, And Was Playing With A Photo Program.

Ill have more later

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I Want Those Fucking Roadstas Tho.

Your mother is A Bitch


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Right Now

Im Posted With The Homies At Davon house. me and this nigga skyler keep going back and forth shooting, buzzy isnt laughing at my jokes now, i plan on killing him later on and taking his sister manhood, davon is talking to some sluton the phone and goldie sitting here board out of his mind.

tonight is cute.

no homo tho.

and this Skate game go hard.

Supreme Rough Draft.

Ace Presents.

The Radio Arcade
And His Homemade porno"Cumming Soon", Is Coming Soon, With Apperances by Mo'Nique And Cheetah Girls Cd.

Stereo-Type So Far.

Gloomy Radio
I Dream
Lounges X Blox
Odd Toddlers
Handsome Sounds
Secret Garden
Fat Girls X Robots
Odd Future Pt.2
Retail Price
Rocky RevengePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Might Change up, Might Add Songs, Take Some Off, You never know

Odd Toddlers

Will be Coming Soon, MY Nigga Casey Did A Version For His Mixtape Customized Greatly, Check Him Out.

myspace.com/caseyveggiesPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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